
What’s an IT Strategy and How to Create One?







What’s an IT Strategy and How to Create One?

Published: 2023/10/25

6 min read

A well-designed IT strategy is increasingly critical for an organization’s success. IT strategy development involves creating a holistic framework, a master plan, for leveraging technological assets to achieve vital business objectives. It considers current IT capabilities, industry trends and resource allocation factors. An effective IT strategy should be flexible, adapt to changes and be closely tied to an organization’s mission. This is why an IT strategic plan typically sets the organization’s vision, goals and information technology-related initiatives for three to five years.

Why do you need an IT Strategy?

It’s important to understand that an IT strategic planning framework aims to foster innovation, streamline operations and enable growth. Investing in a robust IT strategy and cutting-edge technology can empower businesses by enhancing productivity, saving costs and improving operational efficiency by automating tasks with more reliable data-driven decision-making.

With that said, how do you create an IT strategy? How can a dedicated software development team help you craft a state-of-the-art solution for your unique client requirements? If you want to develop an IT strategy, here are three steps to make the process easier:

Assess your current IT environment, identify specific IT goals, choose an appropriate strategy framework and involve key stakeholders in the development process.

Develop detailed action plans, balance innovation with risk management, prioritize projects, allocate resources and budgets and implement a system that can be monitored and adjusted.

Regularly measure the impact of your strategy using key performance indicators and gather feedback for continuous improvement.

Investing in IT strategy can help develop your organization’s ideal IT operating model. Examples of IT operating models include centralized, decentralized, shared services and hybrid models. These models are all different, but each one can define how your organization’s IT function is structured and operated and can ensure they line up with your business objectives.

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What is an IT strategy?

The definition of an IT strategy should be clear at this point: It outlines how technology is used to gain a competitive advantage, manage risks and ensure long-term sustainability in a rapidly evolving technological landscape. The adoption of cloud computing to improve scalability and reduce infrastructure costs is just one example of an IT strategy in action. With that said, what kinds of IT strategies are there? There are many IT strategy examples that encompass various aspects of IT management, including overarching goals (IT strategy solutions), alignment with business objectives (IT business strategy), resource acquisition decisions (IT sourcing strategy), service design and delivery (IT service strategy) and IT infrastructure modernization (IT modernization strategy).

Now that we understand what an IT strategy is, one question remains. What is the difference between an IT plan and an IT strategy? While an IT strategy and planning may appear related, they serve distinct organizational purposes:

IT strategy: a long-term plan that outlines principles, objectives and initiatives to achieve business goals using technology. It emphasizes alignment, flexibility and adaptability.

IT planning: a short-term plan that focuses on implementing specific projects, technologies and resources to achieve short-term goals. This involves setting priorities, budgets, timelines and allocating resources to achieve the objectives laid out in the IT strategy.

An IT strategy’s primary role is to align technological decisions and investments with an organization’s mission, vision and strategic objectives. It serves as a framework that guides technology-related actions and decisions, integrating IT into the core of the business. Ultimately, it ensures that technology is a strategic asset that helps an organization achieve its long-term goals.

Principles of an IT strategy

Creating a successful IT strategy requires careful planning, a deep understanding of objectives and knowledge of the latest technologies. Nevertheless, adhering to five fundamental principles can guide you through the process with ease:

Align with business goals

Ensure IT initiatives directly contribute to your business’s success by aligning technology decisions with the organization’s strategic objectives.

Innovate and adapt

Encourage exploration of emerging technologies and adapt to changes in the tech landscape or business environment to stay competitive and seize new opportunities.

Manage organizational risk

Assess and mitigate technology risks, including cybersecurity threats and data vulnerabilities, to protect sensitive information and ensure business continuity.

Maintain a user-centric focus

Prioritize user experience and satisfaction when designing technology solutions for customers, employees, or other stakeholders to create intuitive and effective systems.

Standardize and integrate new technologies

Promote the standardization of technologies and the integration of systems to improve efficiency, reduce complexity and enhance data sharing – which results in a more streamlined and interconnected technology ecosystem.

These principles provide a solid foundation for developing and implementing an IT strategy. The specific principles may vary based on the organization’s industry, size and unique requirements. Regular reviews, agile frameworks and a culture that embraces change are vital to ensuring the strategy’s viability.

How to create an IT strategy?

Developing a robust IT strategy is a multi-faceted process that involves understanding the landscape, selecting the proper framework, creating a strategy and following a structured development process. Let’s examine a few steps to take when creating an effective IT strategy:

Define clear goals

Establish specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound (SMART) IT goals aligned with your organization’s overall objectives.

Engage stakeholders

Collaborate with key stakeholders to gather input, ensure buy-in and foster a shared vision for your IT strategy.

Assess the current IT environment

Audit the existing IT infrastructure, software and processes to identify areas that need improvement or change.

Prioritize initiatives

Evaluate the potential impact and risks of each initiative, categorizing them as short-term, medium-term, or long-term priorities.

Budget planning

Create a comprehensive budget that covers both direct and indirect costs, such as training, maintenance and support.

Remember that creating an IT strategy is an ongoing process that requires adaptability and responsiveness to changing business needs and technological advancements. It should be a dynamic document that evolves with an organization.

The importance of IT strategy

No matter how well-planned it is, implementing an IT strategy can come with challenges. That’s why you must be equipped to convert your IT strategy into actionable steps, distribute resources and budgets, track progress and evaluate the impact of your IT strategy on your overall business performance. To achieve your desired outcomes, you need to identify specific IT projects that align with organizational goals. This means prioritizing goals based on importance and impact. Develop detailed project plans and KPIs and assign resources. Ensure the IT team has the right skills, or consider outsourcing.

Always allocate resources effectively, assign clear responsibilities and manage external vendors and contracts. What’s more, remember to implement a continuous monitoring system to track project progress, hold regular reviews to identify issues and make necessary adjustments. Be prepared with a contingency plan if your strategy fails to address unexpected challenges.

Lastly, to succeed in your IT strategy, you must make sure everyone in your organization is on the same page when it comes to your expectations on ROI, customer satisfaction and project completion times. This might require that you compare your performance against industry standards, gather feedback to assess satisfaction and identify areas for improvement. By using data to refine your strategy, you can evaluate the financial impact of your investments and implement lessons learned to enhance future planning and execution.


All tech-centered organizations should adopt IT strategies now if they don’t want to be left behind. Adopting an IT strategy is a great way to improve an organization’s digital transformation, IT alignment, security, cloud, data management, or IT governance.

Keep in mind however, that a successful IT strategy implementation requires careful planning, effective execution and continuous evaluation. By focusing on these key areas, organizations can ensure their technology initiatives are designed to support business objectives and drive success.

About the authorSoftware Mind

Software Mind provides companies with autonomous development teams who manage software life cycles from ideation to release and beyond. For over 20 years we’ve been enriching organizations with the talent they need to boost scalability, drive dynamic growth and bring disruptive ideas to life. Our top-notch engineering teams combine ownership with leading technologies, including cloud, AI, data science and embedded software to accelerate digital transformations and boost software delivery. A culture that embraces openness, craves more and acts with respect enables our bold and passionate people to create evolutive solutions that support scale-ups, unicorns and enterprise-level companies around the world. 

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