Empower your digital transformation with a custom AI assistant

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Damian Mazurek

Chief Innovation Officer

Tony Butler

Strategic Account Manager

Enhance and personalize customer experience with AI assistants

Generative AI (gen AI) is here to stay. More and more companies are expected to embrace it to strategically drive long-term growth, support problem-solving and create new revenue streams with innovative product improvements. Yet, in the 2023 McKinsey report, only 16% of surveyed managers in healthcare and 24% of managers in financial services reported using gen AI tools regularly in their work. As organizations race to thoughtfully explore this technology as a long-lasting game changer, rather than a temporary trend, the businesses that wait too long might struggle to keep up.

Get access to this webinar, with an experienced AI specialist, to see a live demo of building AI assistants that handle processes in healthcare and financial services. Learn more about this technology and how it can be applied to yield tangible results and make a lasting impact for your operations and offerings.

What will you gain from this webinar?

A live demo of developing AI assistants

Tips on implementing gen AI

AI use cases for financial services and healthcare

Insights on different types of AI for business

Knowledge from an experienced AI expert

Get access to this webinar

Webinar agenda


What are generative AI and LLMs?


AI agents and assistants – what's the difference?


An AI system example for financial services and healthcare


Use case demo: Screening patients before health checks


Use case demo: Advising customers on travel insurance options


How to address common implementation challenges


Q&A session