Artificial Intelligence

A Look at the Key Trends in Artificial Intelligence for 2024





Artificial Intelligence


A Look at the Key Trends in Artificial Intelligence for 2024

Published: 2024/01/04

7 min read

Andrew Ng, a computer scientist, wrote in 2017 that “artificial intelligence is the new electricity.” Ng remarked that he could not think of a single industry that artificial intelligence (AI) would not transform in the next several years. Back then it seemed improbable, but now it’s clear he was correct about the transformative impact AI will have on the world. Generative AI adoption will climb to 77.8 million users in the two years following the November 2022 release of ChatGPT, more than doubling the adoption rate of both tablets and smartphones.

With the next chapter of the AI evolution, it’s worth taking a look at the pivotal trends in artificial intelligence that will be worth following in 2024. This article focuses on six significant directions that will play a crucial role in AI in the upcoming months.

Trend 1: Low-code and no-code AI tools (e.g., Microsoft Copilot Studio)

The introduction of AI programming tools is gradually simplifying the process of creating AI models and applications. With low-code/no-code (LCNC) solutions like Microsoft Copilot Studio, customization goes even deeper with the ability to develop standalone copilots that bring the right skills to you when you need them across various generative AI development services and beyond. According to the Work Trend Index data, Copilot has been proven to enhance people’s productivity and creativity while saving time. 77% of those who have used Copilot said they do not want to give it up, while 70% claimed it made them more productive.

What crucial innovations can be expected from low-code and no-code AI tools?

Integration into enterprise workflows: LCNC AI tools will become more integrated into enterprise workflows as businesses recognize their ability to streamline processes and improve productivity. You will be able to use AI tools to automate repetitive tasks, generate insights from data and build chatbots.

AI-powered visual development tools: It’s safe to predict that visual development tools will become increasingly popular, allowing users to build AI models and applications using drag-and-drop interfaces and graphical representations, making AI development more accessible to a broader range of users.

Interpretable and explainable AI (XAI): With a wider adoption of LCNC AI tools, users will expect a more interpretable and explainable AI, helping them understand how models work and make informed decisions about their use. XAI techniques will be incorporated into these tools to make models more transparent.

Trend 2: Multi-agent AI tools based on large language models (LLMs)

With OpenAI launching its GPT store in 2024, AI agents with specialized skills and knowledge will work together to achieve a common goal, outperforming the traditional AI approach. Multi-agent AI tools are inherently flexible and adaptable, dynamically assigning tasks and roles based on current requirements. Furthermore, you can scale multi-agent systems according to their tasks, making them an important asset for any future endeavors.

Features of upcoming multi-agent AI tools

Integration with real-world systems: Increased implementation with real-world platforms and solutions leads to the development of AI systems that can operate more effectively to empower human work.

Incorporation in key sectors: Application to crucial fields, such as education (e.g., acting as personalized tutors or grading assigned homework), healthcare (e.g., appointment scheduling or performing primary consultations), finance (e.g., predicting market trends or analyzing stock patterns), retail (e.g., managing inventory or shopping advisors) and content creation (e.g., acting as co-writers and brainstorming platforms) leads to innovative solutions to problems in these and other areas.

Development of complex agents: Developing more complex and diverse agents that specialize in a comprehensive range of tasks and roles enables the creation of even more powerful and versatile multi-agent AI systems.

Read More: How to create an AI model

Trend 3: Personalized AI assistants for companies and people

Generative AI is ushering in a new era of personalized assistants, benefiting businesses and individuals alike. Great tech visionaries like Bill Gates name AI agents as the forefront of the upcoming revolution, stating that AI is about to change how you use computers entirely. These intelligent tools anticipate needs, streamline tasks and offer personalized recommendations, thereby enhancing efficiency and productivity. To create a new app or service, you’ll just tell your agent what you want.

Forthcoming crucial enhancements in AI assistants:

Contextual awareness: By becoming more context-aware and understanding the user’s current situation, assistants will provide relevant and timely assistance for businesses and users.

Processing and analyzing data: AI can provide businesses with actionable insights by analyzing vast amounts of data to identify trends, patterns and anomalies, which can help inform decision-making and strategic planning.

Employee empowerment: AI assistants will increase employees’ productivity by providing real-time information, personalized guidance and actionable insights.

Privacy and security considerations: As AI’s presence in everyday life expands, with AI tools collecting and analyzing personal data, solutions and regulations that ensure data privacy and security will be established by regulators (for example, the Artificial Intelligence Act deal reached by the European Union) and implemented by the stakeholders and companies responsible for AI implementation.

Watch a special webinar by Software Mind to discover what tangible results and lasting impact AI assistants can have on your operations and offerings.

Trend 4: AI-powered augmented and virtual reality

AI rapidly changes augmented and virtual reality (AR and VR) by boosting their capabilities and uncovering innovative opportunities. With AI-infused AR/VR applications, users will be able to experience more immersive, interactive and customized content, resulting in a more engaging and intuitive user experience.

Here are some emerging AI directions connected to AR/VR:

Enhanced realism: With bespoke object recognition software, AR applications will seamlessly overlay digital elements onto the real world, creating a more believable blended reality.

Content generation: AI algorithms will participate in generating realistic 3D models, assist in natural language interactions and empower soundscapes for more immersive AR/VR experiences.

Spatial mapping and navigation: Next-gen AI tech should enable AR applications to accurately map and navigate real-world environments, providing users with seamless guidance and orientation.

Emotional recognition: In VR environments, AI will analyze facial expressions, voice tone and body language to provide personalized interactions that are emotionally resonant.

Trend 5: AI in the field of robotics

AI is rapidly transforming the field of robotics, enabling robots to perform increasingly complex and sophisticated tasks, with the last 12 months of AI enhancements only fueling upcoming changes. Have a look at Amazon, for instance, as it is expanding its partnership with Agility Robotics to integrate Digit, a two-legged humanoid robot, into its operations. Digit’s bipedal design enables it to move and operate like humans, making it perfect for human-designed environments.

How will AI robotics develop in the upcoming months and beyond that?

Enhanced perception and manipulation: With the progress in artificial intelligence algorithms and sensor technology, robots are becoming more skilled in perceiving and comprehending their environment. Improved perception will enable robots to easily navigate intricate surroundings, grasp and manipulate objects precisely and interact more naturally with humans.

Reinforcement learning and real-time decision-making: Edge AI enables AI solutions to run directly on devices and reinforcement learning (RL) and assist robots in learning from trial and error., That’s why robots will excel in autonomous task execution and evolve in the space of making real-time decisions in various workspaces without the need for bespoke programming.

Collaborative robotics: AI is enabling cobots (collaborative robots designed to work safely and effectively alongside humans in shared workspaces) to adapt to their human counterparts’ movements and intentions, minimizing the risk of accidents and enhancing productivity.

Trend 6: Human-AI collaboration frameworks

The Human-AI Collaboration Framework is an innovative approach to AI implementation and strategy. It acknowledges the unique strengths of humans and AI and fosters a mutually beneficial relationship. This approach unlocks unparalleled potential for efficiency. Human-AI collaboration frameworks aim to create seamless working relationships between humans and AI systems, leveraging their complementary strengths to achieve more than either could accomplish alone. What would be the benefits of such a cooperation?

Main benefits of human-AI frameworks

Task allocation: Focusing on dynamically assigning tasks between humans and AI based on their respective capabilities and expertise by involving AI systems to assess human capabilities accurately, thus understanding their preferences and adapting to their behavior accordingly.

Skill enhancement: Supporting continuous learning and skill development for humans and AI systems by providing personalized learning experiences for humans, while humans provide feedback and guidance to AI, helping it improve its performance and decision-making abilities.

Shared decision-making: Facilitating collaborative goal-setting and decision-making processes. Humans define the overall objectives, while AI provides data-driven insights and recommendations, which leads to more informed and well-rounded decisions.

Context awareness: Empowering humans and AI to understand the context and implications of their actions. AI systems explain their reasoning and decisions clearly, while humans share their understanding of the situation and their concerns.


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AI era is just beginning

Innovator and entrepreneur Marc Andreessen boldly claimed that “AI will save the world.” It’s hard to say if this will happen, but artificial intelligence is already revolutionizing how we work, live and communicate, and it’s just the tip of the iceberg. If you want to be up to date with all the crucial developments in the rapidly evolving AI industry, expand your horizons by signing up for my weekly newsletter AI Bytes. Don’t miss out on the promising developments in AI in 2024!

About the authorDamian Mazurek

Chief Innovation Officer

A certified cloud architect and AI expert with over 15 years’ experience in the software industry, Damian has spent the last several years as a cloud and AI consultant. In his current role he oversees the technology strategy and operations, while working with clients to design and implement scalable and effective cloud solutions and AI tools. Damian’s cloud, data and machine learning expertise has enabled him to help numerous organizations leverage these technologies to improve operations and drive business growth.

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