Replacing legacy Alcatel Lucent VPBX with a BroadWorks platform and migrating B2B customers & services
Technology Used
Cisco BroadWorks
Oracle A-SBC
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About the project
Our client is one of the leading telecommunications operators in Slovakia. The primary goal of the project was to migrate voice VPBX services and customers from a legacy Alcatel Lucent platform deployed on Huawei IMS to a new BroadWorks platform deployed on Nokia IMS on an IaaS infrastructure operated under OpenStack control.
We started with workshops focused on architecture details, IMS integration, service chaining and the main call flows. The next step was to prepare an IP design and OpenStack MANO architecture.
Migration was the most challenging part of the project. The analysis and design of service mapping from the legacy platform to BroadWorks were crucial and affected other activities, especially the tests. The biggest migration issue was the different services and user data structures used by the two platforms. The migration of services and user data was smoothly automated and carried out by the tools developed by our team.
Integrating the BroadWorks application server with Nokia IMS for complex business scenarios including VoLTE and SIP Trunk access types was the second biggest challenge. Our teams’ engineering experience, software development skills and know-how of the right tools enabled us to overcome the most challenging VoLTE signaling corner cases by introducing proxy components to assure the required scenarios.
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