Developing software assets and a SaaS management platform




Software and IT services


Technology Used

.NET 6







MS Azure






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Project overview

Software Mind was tasked with developing a software assets management platform and elevating SaaS solutions on a multitude of levels with a dedicated research and development (R&D) team. Acting as a one-stop shop, our team was responsible for migrating data to the cloud, solving tech challenges, streamlining processes, designing new products, enabling organizational transformation and providing UX and UI consultancy.migration process.

Client background 

Our client is a Swedish-based global leader in technology intelligence who provides a unified cloud-native platform that delivers actionable insights on IT environments. Their product gives access to comprehensive visibility and contextual insights regarding the management of SaaS products, software assets and cloud costs.

Developing software assets and a SaaS management platform

Main challenges

To provide a solution that enables seamless data integration and synchronization between systems – regardless of the technologies or user volume, we had to create a cross-functional delivery team consisting of a product manager/product owner, UX & UI designers, developers, QA specialists and IT support. We also needed to develop a new approach to software development, architecture design and process management that would accommodate this kind of solution.

Developing software assets and a SaaS management platform


To migrate data from an on-premise solution to a cloud-based platform and ensure faster access to existing data, our team had to redesign and redevelop data connectors, which would enable different applications (services) to exchange data with each other regardless of the programming language or database technology. Software Mind took care of migrating computer domain data, which substantially increased the database's performance for users. Our team also performed a complete infrastructure architecture redesign, including a comprehensive transfer and subsequent implementation. The main focus of this endeavor was to move our client's infrastructure from on-premises to the cloud.

Developing software assets and a SaaS management platform


Improved growth

Utilizing up-to-date tech stacks to develop innovative solutions and products that drive growth strategies

Migration to a cloud-based platform

Modernizing legacy solutions and transferring on-premise data and infrastructure to a cloud-based platform, for instant access to necessary information

Faster onboarding

Shortening the onboarding process for new developers from two weeks to one day

Enhanced capabilities

Boosting the client’s software asset management and SaaS product management across cloud environments

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